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October 25, 2010


DaleB. Roberts

11) And this eye beholds a very beautiful lady, through and through, top to bottom!

15) Would luv to meet S.R.V. Luv chillin' and listening to him play!

28) Some of my fave memories are of you & Donna teaching me to slow dance! Thanks Darlin'!

30) Haven't been to an archery range or putt putt course in ages...i suck at both but boy are they fun!

31) Me too (lots of practice and blending in w/the choir always makes my voice sound better). Couldn't stand it w/out music

36) I turned 36 in '95' and that year wasn't to great for me!

40) Neither was '99' when i turned 40 for that matter. But Carrot cake could've made both years better...or red velvet...or boston creme pie...or german chocolate lol

Thanks for sharing my dear!

Air Force 1

Took me time to learn the whole guide, the report is wonderful however the feedback carry extra brainstorm suggestions, with thanks.


you, my sweet, are 104 versions of fabulous...and i can't wait to see what the next 52 years will present!!!!! xoxoxoxo love you so much - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm

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