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July 10, 2008


Tammy Vitale

Hi - came over to visit from Sue/Artful Adventures and stayed to browse a while. You sound like one on-the-go kiddo! I'm jealous! Being an easterner, I haven't had enough time in the colorado/Arizona/New Mexico environs and was hoping maybe this year until prices for everything went through the roof. I have another blogger friend in England who went to Italy this year - there's another place I'd like to, ahem, "Rome" to. Great blog!

Danita Lyn

Oh Annie, it sounds dreamy...really it does! I am so happy for you...you are livin' the dream baby! I hope we get to catch up soon. Sending hugs til then.

Danita Lyn


hi my loves! its been way too long since i visited your pretty blog! love all the pics and yes, you will have the most amazing time in italy!!! i can't wait to see pics. and YOU...later in the year! xoxox

Julie Bergmann

Ooooh! Sounds like such fun!


Judy Wilkenfeld

How wondeful Annie -you will have a blast! as will your students.

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